WBU and ICEVI release joint position statements to mark International Day of Education
January 23, 2024 11:48 pmThe International Day of Education is an annual international observance day held on January 24 dedicated to education. This year, WBU, in collaboration with ICEVI, is excited to release two jointly developed position statements on the topic of education to mark this important occasion.
The goal of these statements is to support local advocacy for more inclusive and accessible education. One statement addresses access to digital education and the second offers recommendations to improve access to education during emergency situations. Both statements are available in English, French, and Spanish.
These statements will be supplemented with additional resources over time, including case studies, guidelines, webinars, and toolkits.
Download the statements in Word Joint position statement – Education in Emergencies_WBU-ICEVI
Joint position statement – Digital classrooms_WBU-ICEVI
Categorised in: Education, News
This post was written by Marc Workman