Miembros nacionales de Asia-Pacífico

Oficina Regional – WBU Asia Pacific (WBU-AP)

Regional President: Mr. Li Qing Zhong (Peter), China

C/O Hong Kong Blind Union

Secretary General, Mr. Jason Ho
Email: jason0924@gmail.com
cc: Fiona Lai, fionalai@hkbu.org.hk


Blind Citizens Australia
247-251 Flinders Lane
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Chief Executive Officer: Deb Deshayes
E-mail: ceo@bca.org.au
cc: christina.micallef@bca.org.au
Board Director: Helen Freris
E-mail: hfbcadirector@gmail.com
Phone: 0410 553 383
Web: www.bca.org.ca

Guide Dogs Australia
2-4 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067
P.O. Box 1965, North Sydney NSW 2059
E-mail: chatswood@guidedogs.com.au
Web: www.guidedogsaustralia.com

The Royal Society for the Blind
Policy, Accessibility and Client Consultation, See Differently:
Tony Starkey
Email: tony.starkey@seedifferently.org.au
Phone: 8417 5561 / M: 0431 994 749
230 Pirie St.
Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
Web: www.rsb.org.au

Brunei Darussalam

Brunei Darussalam National Association of the Blind
Unit 6-07, Sixth Floor, Plaza Athirah,
Jalan Kubah Makam Diraja, Batu Satu
BA 1912, Negara, Brunei Darussalam
President, Muhammad Hamzi bin Omar
Vice President, Muhammad Jamary bin Danggat
E-mail: secretary.bdnab@gmail.com
Phone: +673 7145391, +673 2222056
Web: bdnab.org


Association of the Blind in Cambodia (ABC)
#132, St: 193 coner of St: 388
P.O. Box: 175
Sangkhat: Toul Sway Prey 1, Khan: Cham Karmon
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
President, Mr. Prum Pech
Executive Director, Mr. Boun Mao
E-mail: abc@online.com.kh; boun.mao@online.com.kh
Phone: +855-23-213 882
HP: +855-12-618-882


China Association of the Blind
No.186, Xizhimen Nanxiaojie, Xicheng District,
Beijing 100034, China
President, Mr. Li Qing Zhong (Peter)
E-mail: li.qingzhong@163.com; cc: Mr. Kong Lei, konglei@139.com
Phone: +86 10 665 80043
Fax: +86 10 665 80041

Hong Kong Blind Union
Unit 13-20, G/F., Tsui Ying House
Tsui Ping Estate, Kwun Tong
Kowloon, HONG KONG, China
President, Mr. Billy Wong
Email: billywong@hkbu.org.hk
Executive Director, Ms. Jackie Kwan
Email: jackiekwan@hkbu.hk
Cc: Fiona Lai, fionalai@hkbu.org.hk
Phone: +852-2339-0666
Fax: +852-2338-7850
Web: www.hkbu.org.hk

The Hong Kong Society for the Blind
248 Nam Cheong Street, Shamshuipo
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Chief Executive, Mr. Sean Fong, sean.fong@hksb.org.hk
E-mail: genadmin@hksb.org.hk, cc: brian.chan@hksb.org.hk
Phone: 852-2778-8332
Fax: 852-2788-1047
Web: www.hksb.org.hk

Institute for the Blind of Taiwan
384 Chung Chen Road Hsin-Chuan
Taipei Jsien Taiwan, Chinese Taipei China
Web: www.ibt.org.tw
Executive Director, Tseng, Han-Lin, Vice Chairman
E-mail: gm@ibt.org.tw; ibt@ibt.org.tw
Phone: 886-2998-5588, Ext 127
Fax: 886-2277-7152

Macau People with Visually Impaired Right Promotion Association
Block BR/C, Tai Fai Building, Taishan Community Houe8
Fatima Church Street, Macau
President, Mr. Chio U IOK
E-mail: mpvirpamacau@gmail.com
Phone: +853 2855 4735


United Blind Persons of Fiji
P.O. Box 16015
Suva, Fiji
President, Ms. Lanieta Tuimabu
E-mail: ltuimabu@gmail.com

Fiji Society for the Blind
PO Box 521
Suva, Fiji
Executive Director, Barbara Farouk
E-mail: fjsb@connect.com.fj
Phone: 679-338-2-966


Indonesian Blind Union
Persatuan Tunametra Indonesia (Pertuni)
Jalan Kramat Sentyong
No. 57 A, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
President: Mr. Setiawan Gema Budi, gemasetiawan12@gmail.com
Ms. Aria Indrawati (former President): aria.indrawati@gmail.com
E-mail: pertuni.dpp@gmail.com;
Phone: +62 21 3925671
Web: pertuni.or.id


Japan Braille Library
23-4 Takadanobaba 1-chome, Shinjyuku-ku
Tokyo, 169-8586 Japan
Chairman, Mr. Tetsuji Tanaka
Phone: + 81-3-3363-2554
E-mail: tanakat@nittento.or.jp
Web: www.nittento.or.jp

Japan Federation of the Visually Impaired (JFVI)
18-2 Nishi-Waseda 2-chome, Shinjuku Ku
Tokyo 169-0051, Japan
Member, Mr. Tetsu Takei
E-mail: tetsu.takei@gmail.com
Phone: +81-3-5291-7885
Fax: +81-3-5291-7886

National Committee of Welfare for the Blind in Japan (NCWBJ)
18-2 NishiWaseda 2-chome, Shinjyuku-ku
Tokyo, 169-0051 Japan
Chairman, Mr. Yoshiki Takeshita
E-mail: ncwbj@mbm.nifty.com; welblind@nifty.com
Phone: +81-3-5291-7885
Fax: +81-3-5291-7886
Executive Director, Mr. Chuji Sashida
E-mail: csashida@nifty.com; ncwbj@mbm.nifty.com
Phone: +81-3-5291-7885
Fax: +81-3-5291-7886
Councilor, Ms. Michiko Tabata
E-mail: michkotabata@gmail.com; tabacchi@par.odn.ne.jp
Phone: +81-3-5291-7885
Fax: +81-3-5291-7886

National Council of the Agencies for the Welfare of the Blind (NCWBJ)
3-1-6 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo
110-0016 Japan
Chairman, Mr. Masami Masuo
E-mail: ncwbj@mbm.nifty.com
Phone/Fax: +81-3-5291-7885

Tokyo Metropolitan Hachioji School for the Blind
19-22 Daimachi 3-chome, Hachioji-shi
Tokyo 193-0931, Japan
Principal, Ms. Naoto Yamagishi
E-mail: ncwbj@mbm.nifty.com
Phone: +81-3-5291-7885
Fax: +81-3-5291-7886

Tokyo Metropolitan Bunkyo School for the Blind
1-7-6, Koraku Bunkyo-ku
Tokyo 112-0004, Japan
Principal, Mr. Toshio Kimura
E-mail: ncwbj@mbm.nifty.com
Phone: +81-3-5291-7885
Fax: +81-3-5291-7886

Republic of Korea (South Korea)

Korea Blind Union
6F Eroom Centre 17-13 Yeouido-dong
Seoul 07236, Republic of Korea
Chairman, Mr. Kim Young-il
Email: ykim@chosun.ac.kr
E-mail: kbuwel@chol.com;
Phone: +82-2-950-0101, +82-2-799-1000
Fax: +82-2-6925-1117
Web: www.kbuwel.or.kr

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea)

Blind Association of Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea)
Ansangthaek Street, Sohung-Dong, Moranbong-District,
Pyongyang, DPR of Korea
President, Mr. Kim Chol Ung
E-Mail: kfpd729@star-co.net.kp
Tel: 850-2-18111381-8061
Fax: 850-2-381-4410/4416
Web: http://www.naenara.com.kp/sites/kfpd/


Kiribati Association of People Who are Blind or Vision Impaired (KABVI)
Main Road Nanikaai Tarawa Kiribati
South TARAWA Kiribati
Beia Temango, Executive Director
Email: btemango@gmail.com/ kblva20@gmail.com

Lao People´s Democratic Republic

Lao Association of the Blind
233 Unit 2, Hongkaikeo, Chanthabouly,
Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Kongkeo Tounalom, President
Phone: +85621-414949
Mobile: +85620-55725550
E-mail: labofbvi@gmail.com


National Council for the Blind Malaysia (NCBM)
Unit 13-8, Level 13
Menara Sentral Vista
Nº 150, Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad, Brickfields
50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
President: Rosalind Chew Bee Koh (Datuk)
E-mail: cbkrec52@gmail.com
Mr. Wong Yoon Loong
Phone: +60322762973
E-mail: wongyl@ncbm.org.my; wongyoonloong@gmail.com; info@ncbm.org.my
Dr Wong Huey Siew
E-mail: wonghueysiew@oum.edu.my
Web: ncbm.org.my
Representative: Mr. Mohammed Nazari bin Othman

Society of the Blind in Malaysia
24 Jalan Tun Sambanthan 3
50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Tuan Haji) Mohamed Nazari bin Haji Othman, President
Phone: 60-3-2274-6162
Fax: 60-3-2274-3818
E-mail: admin@sbm.org.my; mnazari_sbm@yahoo.com
Web: sbm.org.my


Mongolian National Federation of the Blind
Post Office Box- 511
Ulanbaatar, Mongolia
Mrs. Gerel Dondovdorj, President
Phone/Fax: 976-70044179
E-mail: gereldondow@gmail.com


Myanmar National Association of the Blind
No 530 [A], Awi Yar Street, Nanther Gone Quarter
Insein Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Aung Ko Myint, President
Ms. Yamin Ohnmar, Secretary General
Phone: +95 9 36410672
E-mail: mnabgeneralsecretary@gmail.com
Web: www.mnab-myanmar.org

New Zealand

Association of Blind Citizens of New Zealand
Ground Floor, 113 Adelaide Road
Newtown, Wellington 6022
P.O. Box 7144, Newtown
Wellington 6242, New Zealand
Chief Executive: Rose Wilkinson
Phone: +64-4-389-0039
Fax: +64-4-389-0030
E-mail: rwilkinson@abcnz.org.nz
Web: www.abcnz.org.nz
Contact: Mr. Jonathan Godfrey, Delegate, a.j.godfrey@massey.ac.nz
Contact: Mr Thomas Bryan, Delegate, tsbryan@outlook.co.nz; thomas.s.bryan@gmail.com

Papua New Guinea – Special Member

Papua New Guinea Blind Union (PNG-BU)
P.O. Box 4634, Boroko NCD, PNG
Port Moresby Capital City of Papua New Guinea
PNG Central Province 111 Code 0502
Kaman Kelly Wasup, President
Phone: +675 718 19234
E-mail: pngblindunion23@gmail.com; kamanwasup@gmail.com


Philippine Blind Union
Manila Blind Church
Project 4, Quezon City
Jose Ranola, Chairman, ranolaj@gmail.com
Jose Robredo, President, butchrobredo@yahoo.com.ph
Victor Rescober, Exec. Vice President, rescober.victor@gmail.com
Eliseo dela Paz, Secretary, ely_delapaz@yahoo.com
Bong Garcia, Treasurer, philippineblindunion@gmail.com
Phone: +63 917 723 2723 / +63 062 991 6614
Fax: +63 062-991-6614

Gina Rose P, Balanlay, National Secretary
Legaspi Premium Development Corporation
Suite 508, Jose Cojuangco and Sons Bldg
119 Dela Rose corner Castro St Legaspi Village, Makati City, Philippines
Phone: (02) 818 3911 Loc 8251
Mobile: +63 929 243 5146
E-mail: philippineblindunion@gmail.com

Samoa – Special Member

Samoa Blind Persons Association (SBPA)
P.O. Box 6235, Apia Samoa
Amau Mall/ Apartment (Unit 6 Ground Floor) Saleufi
Phone: +685-2060
President: Ms. Faatino Utumapu
Int’l contact: Mr. Ari Hazelman, Disability Inclusive Officer, SBPA


Independent Society of the Blind
531 Upper Cross Street, #04-16 Hong Lim Complex
Singapore 050531
President: Cheng Hock Kua
Phone: +65-9694 9496
E-mail: kuachenghock@gmail.com


Caulfield Foundation for the Blind
1424 / 268, Prachasongkhroa 16 Rd
Bangkok, Thailand
Contact: Mr. Kruang Sribuapan, caulfield-blind@hotmail.com
Phone: +66-2-276-1141, 275-3104
Fax: +66-2-275-1964

Thailand Association of the Blind
85/1-2 Soi Boonyoo Dindaeng Road
Samsennai, Prayathai
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Mr. Ekkamol Phaetthayanan, President
Dr. Nantanoot Suwannawut (Apple), Secretary
Phone: 66-2-246-3835
Fax: 66-2-245-9846
Web : http://www.tab.or.th/

Christian Foundation for the Blind in Thailand (CFBT)
No. 214 Moo 10, Soi Pracharak, Maliwan Rd. Banped, Muang Khon
Contact: Mr. Winit Moonwicha
Phone: +66-43-242-098, +66-43-239-499 # 21-22
Fax: +66- 43-470-083
Email: cfbtkk@gmail.com

Association of Blind Women in Thailand (ABWT)
No.38, Soi Nawamin 90, Nawamin Road,
Ramintra, Khannayao
Bangkok 10230, Thailand
Contact: Ms. Sirinee Aksornmee
Phone: +66-2519-3330
E-mail: abwt12@hotmail.com

Timor l’Este

East Timor Blind Union (ETBU)
Becora Herois da Patria
Dili, Timor l’Este
Mr Jicinto Perreira, Executive Director
Phone: +670-77947265 / +670-77314541
E-mail: etbu2021@gmail.com

East Timor Blind Association
Associação Halibur Deficiência Matan Timor Leste (AHDMTL)
Manleuana, Dili, Timor l´Este
Gaspar Afonso, Executive Director
Phone: +670 77338176 / 77947869
E-mail: defisiensiamatan@gmail.com


Tonga National Visual Impairment Association (TNVIA)
Taufa’ahau Rd, Alonga, Pea, Tongatap
P.O. Box 172, Pea, Nuku’alofa, Tonga
Mr. Ofeina Leka, President
Teu Mone, Office Manager
Office: +676 29-876
Mobile: +676 8749671
E-mail: mr.ofa.leka@gmail.com; tnvia.tonga@gmail.com


Vietnam Blind Association
1139 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street
Ba Dinh District Hanoi, Vietnam
Mr. Pham Viet Thu, President
Phone: +84-243-8489226/+84-243-8489827
Fax: +84-243-8452537
E-mail: haitranvba@gmail.com

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