Oficina regional – Asian Blind Union (ABU)
C/O National Federation of the Blind
New Delhi, India
Regional President: Santosh Kumar Rungta
E-mail: nfbsec.g@gmail.com
Twitter: @AsiaBlind
Afghanistan Association of the Blind
1225 Street #2 Second Project Taimani
Kabul, Afghanistan 47000
Mr. Shirin AQA Sediqi, President
Phone: +93-772929109
E-mail: aabkabul96@gmail.com
The Friendship Society for the Blind
Building #31, Road # 39, Block #941
P.O. Box 33227
Kingdom of Bahrain
Mr. Hussain Al-hulaibi, President
Phone: +973-17-624496
Fax: +973-17-622875
E-mail: fsblind@hotmail.com; ali.haji@hotmail.com
National Federation of the Visually Impaired (NFVI)
Head Office & Vocational Training Centre
6, Orphanage Road, Bokshibazar, Chawkbazar, Dhaka-1211, Bangladesh
Md. Nurul Alam Siddique, Chairman
Md. Ayub Ali Howladar, Secretary General
Phone: +88001731-758777
E-mail: nfviorg64@gmail.com
Bhutan – Special Member
Muenselling Institute
Khaling, Trashigang
P.O. Box 4203
Mr. Dorji Wangdrup, Principal
Int’l Contact: Mr. Kuenga Chhoegyel, ICT Coordinator/Teacher
Phone: +975 1768 4860
E-mail: kuengachhoegyel@gmail.com; tg.muenselling@education.gov.bt
Web: www.muensellinginstitute.edu.bt
All India Confederation of the Blind
Near Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital,
Sector-5, Rohini,
Delhi-110085, India
President: Prof. Anil Kumar Aneja, Ph.D.
Secretary General: Mr. Jawahar Lal Kaul, B.A. (Hons.)
Phone: +91-11-27054082
E-mail: aicbdelhi@yahoo.com
Web: www.aicb.org.in
Twitter: @AICBIndia
National Federation of the Blind
Plot No. P-21, Sector-6,
Press Enclave Road, Pushp Vihar
New Delhi, India
Mr. S.K. Rungta, Secretary-General
Phone: +91-11 295 64198 / 325 42394
Fax: +91-11 295 62316
E-mail: nfbindia_mlm@hotmail.com; nfbsec.g@gmail.com
Web: www.nfbindia.org
National Association for the Blind
11/12 Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Road, Worli Seaface, Mumbai
400 030, Maharashtra, India
Phone No. +912224935370/24935365/ Fax No.24932539
website: www.nabindia.org.in
Facebook: NAB, India, Mumbai
E-mail: hsg@nabindia.info
Iran – Special Member
State Welfare Organization of Iran
1121 Fayazbakhsh Street,
P.O. Box: 1114648814
Mr. Babaei, Director General, Public Relations & Int’l Affairs Office
cc: Hamidi, Public Relations & Int’l Dpt.
Phone/Fax: +98-21-66705126
E-mail: internationalrelations@behzisti.gov.ir
web: State Welfare Organization of Iran (behzisti.ir)
National Association of the Blind Care in Iraq
MHLA 101, ZQAQ 49
Building-6, IRAQ
Loay Abdul-Reza Askar, President
Int’l contact: Goma Ali
Phone: +964 7905401486
E-mail: baciraq2008@yahoo.co.uk
Friendship Association of the Blind
3rd Circle, Abdul Mone’m Street
Amman, Jordan
Mr. Ahmed Mohammad Mousa Allouzi, Chairman
Phone: 009626-4616621 / 4656228
Fax: 009626-4641570
E-mail: fab@fabjo.org
Kuwait Blind Association
Maidan Hawally, Block 11
Hammoud Nasser Street, Home 5510, Kuwait
Mansour Alaenizi, Secretary General
Phone: +965 9999 6859
E-mail: mansoor_q8@hotmail.com
Kyrgyz Association of the Blind and Deaf
191 Bokonbaev Street,
720017 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Chairman: Mr. Kanat Zhaparov
Int’l contact: Ms. Mira Sadykova, mira.sadykova.99@gmail.com
Phone: +996 312-353381
E-mail: erc@elcat.kg
Web: http://www.kosg.kg/
Youth Association of the Blind
Beirut, Karaloul Eldrouz Area, Tadmour St,
Elzahira Bldg, First floor.
P.O. Box 113-5487
Beirut, Lebanon
Mr. Nizar Ibrahiem, President
Int’l contact: Mr. Amer Makarem
Phone: +961-3-826680
E-mail: yab@cyberia.net.lb; yablebanon@gmail.com ; amer@yablb.org
Nepal Association of the Blind (NAB)
Sukedhara, Kathmandu, Nepal
President: Mr. Shishir Khanal
Phone: +97714376580/4376598
E-mail: info@nabnepal.org; central.nabnepal@gmail.com
Web: www.nabnepal.org
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/nab.nepal
Nepal Association of the Welfare of the Blind
GPO Box: 3255, Tripureshwor
Kathmandu, Nepal
General Secretary: Mr. Pawan Ghimire
Phone: +97714260583
E-mail: nawbnepal@gmail.com
Web: nawbnepal.org.np
Oman – Special Member
Al-Noor Association for the Blind
P.O. Box 60
Minal Fahal 116 OMAN
Mahmoud Omani Oman, President
Phone: 00968-24481551
Fax: 00968-24482664
E-mail: alnoorab@gmail.com; mas9711sh@hotmail.com
Pakistan Association of the Blind
PAB House, Haider Shah Town
Street #3, Delazak Road
Peshawar City, Pakistan
Mr. Qari Saad Noor, President
Phone: +92-301 115 3053
E-mail: pab_peshawar@yahoo.com
Head Office
PAB House, ST-10, Sector 11-L,
North Karachi
Phone: +92-21-693 4332
E-mail: pabn@cyber.net.pk
Qatar Social and Cultural Centre for the Blind
P.O. Box 36225
Doha, Qatar
Mr. Faisal Al-Kooheji, Chairman
Mr. Hani Omar
Phone: +974 4877544-22-11
Fax: +974 5877566
E-mail: info@blind.gov.qa; f.alkooheji@blind.gov.qa; hani@blind.gov.qa
Web: www.blind.gov.qa
Saudi Arabia
Blind Association Charity
P.O. Box 63359
Riyadh 11516, Saudia Arabia
Dr. Naser Mousa, President
Dr. Abdul Rahman Flaij, General Secretary
Phone: +96 61 450 6566
Fax: +96 61 450 9503 (preferred)
E-mail: nmosa@moe.gov.sa
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Federation of the Visually Handicapped
No.74, Church Street
Colombo-02, Sri Lanka
Mr. Chameera Pubudu Kumara Silva, Hon. President
Mr. M. Jayasundara, Hon. Secretary
Mr. R.G. Dinidu Suranga, Hon. Treasurer
Phone: +94-779571918
E-mail: slfvh@outlook.com; slfvh74@gmail.com
Web: www.slfvh.org
Sri Lanka Council for the Blind
50 B, Sarana Mawatha
Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
Mr. R.M.H.P. Gunaratne, Hon. Secretary
Phone: +94 112 054949 / +94 112 872830
E-mail: slslcblind@sltnet.lk
Web: www.srilankablindcouncil.org
Blind Care Association in Damascus
Behind Al-Mansour Mosque
Opp. Martyre Mustafa Jaweed School
P.O. Box: 4881
Damascus, Syria
Mr. Waleed Mohammed Ali, President
Phone: +96 311 8881919
Fax: +96 311 8880977
E-mail: bcadamas@yahoo.com (currently unavailable)
Syrian Society for Blind Women (Alweaam)
Mukhaym Alyarmouk – Al Maddares Street
Damascus, Syria
Nadida Ezzeddin, Chair Person
Phone: + 96 311 8818772
Fax: +96 311 8880977
E-mail: info@alweaam.org (currently unavailable)
National Association of the Blind of Tajikistan
Karamov Street 205
Dushanbe 734027, Tajikistan
Mr. Narmuratov Zhentomir Zherkashevich, Chairman
International contact: Tengniev Kholmakhmad Akhmadovich
Phone: +992 372 404140
E-mail: tbu-tajiknet@mail.ru; tengniev@yandex.ru
Turkmen Society for the Deaf and Blind
Kekilova St. 49,
744012 Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Mr. Chary Ovezov, Chairman
Phone: +993 12-340153
Fax: +993 12-342609
E-mail: dbst@untuk.org; bdst@online.tm
United Arab Emirates
Emirates Association of the Visually Impaired
Phone: +97165442225
Mobile: +971505994946
P.O.Box: 3128, Sharjah U.A.E
Chairman: Mr. Adel Alzamar,
Manager: Abdulrahman Albastaki,
Phone: +97165442225
E-mail: eavi@eim.ae
Society of the Blind of Uzbekistan
22, Bobour Street, Yakkasaray District
700100 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Mr. Ergash Narpulatov, Chairman
Phone: +998 97 738 7565
E-mail: cpuzos@yandex.com ; cpuzos@yandex.ru
Al-Aman Organisation of Blind Women Care
P.O. Box 1509, Sana’a
Ms. Sabah Hurreish, President
Phone: +9671317831
Fax: +9671316945
E-mail: alamanorg@hotmail.com; ms_labani@yahoo.com
Web: www.alaman.org
Yemen Association for Care & Rehabilitation Blind (YACRB)
Alzubairy Street, Kentaky roundabout
Sanaa, Yemen
P.O. Box 20173
Chairman: Abdulaziz Ali Abdullah Ballhaj
Phone: +9671206729 / 214139 / 201711
E-mail: blindorg_ye@yahoo.com
Website: www.yeblind.org