

Discover our upcoming webinars and recorded webinars here. WBU holds various webinars for training and knowledge-sharing, advocacy and creating awareness among other reasons. We endevour to share the webinars in English, Spanish and French. Please visit the Webinars page for updates.


Following the outbreak of COVID-19, the World Blind Union  launched a COVID-10 resources section. In this section, you will find useful information and tools useful for your advocacy work on accessible and inclusive response to the pandemic. Please visit the COVID-19 resources section for regular updates.


The world Blind Union’s main priority is to promote full participation, equal opportunities, and protection of the human rights of persons who are blind or partially sighted”. For useful information and resources on human rights and persons with disabilities, please visit our Human Rights programme page


The World Blind Union is committed to promote employment opportunities for blind and partially sighted persons in line with the UNCRPD Article 27 on work and employment. Please visit our Project Aspiro website for resources on career planning and employment.


The WBU promotes braille literacy, lifelong learning, and independent living for blind and partially sighted persons in developing countries. Visit our Education programme page for information on WBU Scholarships.


The World Blind Union in collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has led the global campaign for ratification of Marrakesh Treaty which was signed in Morocco on 28 June 2013 to Facilitate Access to Published Works by Visually Impaired Persons and Persons with Print Disabilities. Please visit our Marrakesh Treaty section for information and resources on this important campaign.


This section contains links to other organizations and services that may be helpful for people who are blind and/or partially sighted. Read more


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