Bureau régional – Union Africaine des Aveugles
African Union of the Blind (AFUB)/
Union Africaine des Aveugles (UAFA)
1st Fl., Wing A, Even Business Park,
P.O. Box 72872-00200
Nairobi, Kenya
Web: www.afub-uafa.org
E-mail: info@afub-uafa.org
Regional President: Mohammed Ez-zaoui (Morocco)
E-mail: md.ezzaoui@gmail.com
International liaison: Lucas Amoda, Acting Executive Director
Phone: +254 704 37 6300
E-mail:lucas@afub-uafa.org; lucasamoda@gmail.com
Communication & Fundraising Officer: Bernice Otieno
E-mail: bernice@afub-uafa.org; berniceakinyi@gmail.com
Algeria (Inactive)
Organisation Nationale des Aveugles Algériens
4, Boulevard Mohamed Khemisti
Alger, Algeria
President, M. Lahouli Mohammed
Secretary General: M. Ferdjouni Ahmed, ferdjouniahmed@hotmail.fr
Phone/Fax: +213 21 634 189
Associação Nacional de Cegos e Amblíopes de Angola (ANCAA)
Rua Soba Mandume Complexo da Sidadela Desportiva pilares
42/44 primeiro andar, Angola
André Francisco Wenceslas Muginga, President
Manuel Ribeiro Gundo, Vice President
Phone: +244 924 250 935 / +244 918 336 428
E-mail: ancaaangola1992@gmail.com
Association pour la Promotion et l’Intégration Sociale des Aveugles et Amblyopes du Bénin (APISAAB)
Cotonou, Benin
M KPEDJI Komlan Julien, President
M ASSIONGBON Éloge Loic , Secretary General
Phone: +22996559500/ +22995241309
E-mail: apisaab77@gmail.com
Web: apisaab.benin.online.fr
Burkina Faso
Union Nationale des Associations Burkinabé pour la Promotion des Aveugles et Malvoyants (UN-ABPAM)
Rue 944, Antoine NangaPorte 968
BP 5588
Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso
Mr. Christophe Oule, President
Phone/Fax: +226 34 33 86
E-mail: o.christobal@gmail.com; abpambf_2007@yahoo.fr
Mr. Souleymane Ouedraogo, Secrétaire Général
E-mail: ouedraogo_souleyman@yahoo.fr
Web: www.un-abpam.bf
Burundi (Inactive)
Association Nationale des Aveugles du Burundi
B.P. 6174 Kinindo, Burundi
Phone: +257 915463
Fax: +257 21 61 02
E-mail: aavebu@yahoo.fr
Association Nationale des Aveugles du Cameroun
Accueil Notre-Dame de la Paix
B.P. 190 Dschang, Cameroon
Paul Tezanou, President
Phone: +237 699 520 222 / +237 650 015 480
E-mail: ptezanou@yahoo.fr
Marie Claire Nintimdema,
Chairperson, ANAC Women’s Committee
E-mail: anacp2008@yahoo.fr
Web: anaccameroun.org
Cape Verde
Associaçäo dos Deficientes Visuais de Cabo Verde (ADEVIC)
C/O Centro Nacional de Reabilitaçäo de Deficientes em Achada Säo Filipe
Cidade de Praia, Cabo Verde
Marciano Mendes Monteiro, President
Phone: +238-264-7378 / 993-4397
E-mail: adevic_cv@hotmail.com; marciano.monte@gmail.com
Central African Republic
Union Nationale des Aveugles Centrafricains (UNAC)
P.O. Box 2195
Bangui, Central African Republic
M. Laombaye Charlemagne, President
Mme. Elodie Régina Ouague Forret, Vice President
Phone: +23675038613
E-mail: laombaye@yahoo.fr; unac2020presi@gmail.com
Centre d’Éducaton et de Formation des Déficients Visuels (CEFODEV)
B.P. 3068
N’Djamena, Tchad
Noubadoum Rimadoum Dieudone, President
Phone: +235 63 03 23 53
Fax: +235 53 3096 / 53 4606
E-mail: rimadoum@gmail.com
Congo Brazzaville
Union Nationale des Aveugles et Malvoyants du Congo (UNAMAC)
16ter, rue Bakotas Poto-poto II
Brazzaville, Congo
Kokolo Claudier Cyr Mesmond
Int’l contact: Thérèse Kamango Ntoyo, Vice President
Phone: +242069190611 +242055561351
E-mail: unamac2015@gmail.com; thkamango@yahoo.fr; kokoloclaudiercyr@gmail.com
Congo, Democratic Rep.
Union Nationale des Aveugles du Congo
BP 265 Kinshasa VII
Democratic Republic of Congo
Maitre Dominique Ngalamulume Tshibasu, President
Phone: +243 81 515 00 67 / 89 58 95 548
E-mail: unac2002@yahoo.fr
Cote d’Ivoire
Association Nationale des Aveugles et Volontaires pour la Promotion des Aveugles de Cote d’Ivoire (ANAVPACI)
04 BP 520
Abidjan 04, Cote D’Ivoire
Mr. Bahi Fallet Julien, President
Phone: +225 20 336 020 / 07 843294 / 05340796
Fax: +225-21-246-770
E-mail: aveugle.ci.anavpaci@gmail.com
Djibouti (Inactive)
Association Djiboutienne des Aveugles
BP 408
Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti
Idris Moumin, President & Principal, School of the Blind
SungDuck Cho, Regional Director of Hisan
Phone: +253 21 36 0999 / 77 81 15 37/ 77 04 63 74
E-mail: edriss21@hotmail.com; hisansom@gmail.com
Fajr Al-Tanweer Association of the Blind in Egypt
7 Mohammed Badr St.
Qubri Elqubba, Cairo, Egypt
Mr. Amr Hassan, Chairman
Dina Foda, Vice-President
Phone: +202 22 569637 / +202 22 569659
Fax: +202 24 503289
E-mail: fajraltanweer@gmail.com; dinafoda@gmail.com
Eritrea National Association of the Blind (ERNAB)
Lbne Dngel Street, House Nº 40,
P.O. Box 615
Asmara, Eritrea
Kiflom Weldegebreal, Manager
Phone/Fax: +291-1-122-435
E-mail: ernabyear2017@gmail.com
Eswatini -formerly Swaziland- (Inactive)
Eswatini Association of the Visually Impaired Persons (ESAVIP)
C/o National Libraries in Manzini
P.O. Box 3086
Manzini City, Eswatini
Chairperson: Nondumiso Shongwe, nondumisothandiswashongwe@gmail.com
Other contact: Mr. Bongani Makama, linksavip@gmail.com
Phone: +268 7622 3117 / +268 7664 7613
Ethiopian National Association of the Blind (ENAB)
P.O. Box 30057
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Mr Wesen Alemu, President
Phone: +2511111021 /+251913903962
E-mail: ethio.nab@gmail.com; wesenalemu@gmail.com
Gabon (Inactive)
Union Nationale des Aveugles et Malvoyants du Gabon
BP 18155
Libreville, Gabon
Mr. Jean Claude Minko
Phone: +241-050-726-504
Fax: +241-050-762-954
Contact: Mme. Mbanzoghe Marie Pierrette
Email: pmbanzoghe@yahoo.fr
Gambia Organization of the Visually Impaired (GOVI)
Opposite Mdi Road, Kanifing South, KMC
P.O. Box 2053, Serre Kunda
President: Ndey Yassin Secka
Executive Director: Lamin Colley
Phone: +220-437 7797 / 999 7746/ 798 7746
E-mail: govigambia1991@gmail.com
Ghana Blind Union
P.O. Box AC496
Barnes Road, Opposite National Museum
Accra, Ghana
President: Dr. David Azare, davidazare@yahoo.com
Executive Director: Dr. Peter Obeng-Asamoa, pobengasamoa@gmail.com
T: +233 244 753570
Guinea Bissau
Associacão Guinense para Reabilitaçao e Integracão e Integração dos Cegos (AGRICE)
Rua Auerolino Cruz, CP 320 Agrice Bissau
Bissau, Guinea Bissau
Pedro Cabral, Interim President
Phone: +224664661110
E-mail: agricebis@yahoo.com.br
Guinea Conakry
Association Guinéenne pour la Promotion des Aveugles (AGUIPA)
15 Rue Mayet
B.P. 3494, Conakry, Guinea
Mme. Nancy Rose Crespin, Chair
M. Mamadou Drame
Phone: +224 664 661110
E-mail: dramemamou81@yahoo.com
Guinea Ecuatorial
Organización Nacional de Ciegos de Guinea Ecuatorial (ONCIGE)
C/Patricio Lumumba s/n Elá Nguema
425 Malabo, Guinea Ecuatorial
Juan Rocoso Bolopo, President
Phone: +240 333 094659 / 222 233638
E-mail: oncige@yahoo.es
Kenya Union of the Blind
Off Airport North Rd, Embakasi
P.O. Box 34510 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Hassan Agufana Jackson, Chief Executive Officer
Phone/Fax: +254 20 820504 / 5
E-mail: admin@kub.or.ke; agufana.jackson@gmail.com
Web: www.kub.or.ke
Lesotho National League of the Visually Impaired Persons
Ministry of Health Headquarters Building
Corner Constitution and Linare Road
Floor 5, Room 501
Maseru 100, Lesotho
Executive Director: Mrs. Lisebo Balopedi, phahlal@lnlvip.co.ls
Cc: Cecilia Rahlao, Administrative Secretary/ Accountant
Phone: +266 22 317 428
Fax: +266 22 324 997
E-mail: lnvip@tlmail.co.ls; ceciliarahlao@gmail.com
Web: www.lnlvip.org.ls/
Liberia Christian Association of the Blind (CAB)
Robertsfield Highway Vai Town,
R2 Community Paynesville,
Montserrado County
P. O. Box 1198 Liberia
Beyan Kota, President
Phone/Fax: +231 770002003 (WhatsApp) / 886510354
E-mail: cabliberia2008@gmail.com
Web: www.cabliberia.org
Liberian National Association of the Blind (LNAB)
Ministry of Health Compounds
Capitol by-pass, Morgan’s Apts.
5th Street, Sinkor,
P.O. Box 10-4336, Monrovia, Liberia
Myer Raymond Nagbe, President
Philip Kun-Smith, Secretary General
Phone: +231-22-226-507
Fax: +231-22-227-838 / 226-356
Libyan Association for the Blind
P.O. Box 583
Benghazi, Libya
Director: Mohamed A. Saud
Phone: +218-61-909-5831
Fax: +218-61-949-6831
E-mail: afbb1961@gmail.com
Al-Noor Society of the Blind
P.O.02148 Box 3770, Tripoli, Libya
Executive Director, Chairman, Dr. Saleh Mansour Altaib
Phone: +218 214837025 / +218 214837026 / +218 214833580
E-mail: info@ns.org.ly / saleh.altaib@ns.org.ly
Association des Aveugles de Madagascar
Lot IPJ 18 Ambonisoa Itaosy
BP 8011, Antananarivo 102, Madagascar
Phone: +261-20-22-22356
Fax: +261-20-22-33902
E-mail: sealtana@moov.mg; josoaradafy@gmail.com
Malawi Union of the Blind
P.O. Box 5092
Limbe, Malawi
Ezekiel Kumwenda, Executive Director
Phone: +265 888 852 391 / 999 952 391
E-mail: malawiunionoftheblind@gmail.com
Union Malienne des Aveugles
BP 377
Bamako (Faldie), Mali
President: Mr. Hadji Barry
Phone:+2236813674 +22378226966
E-mail: umav@afribone.net.ml; hadjipoular@gmail.com
Association Nationale des Aveugles de Mauritanie
Avenue sapeur pompier
cartier saada wilaya du nord moghataa Toujounine
Bp 1037 Nouakchott Mauritanie
Mohamed Salem Bouh, President
Phone: +2224645217280 / +22246417583
E-mail: bohsalemm63@gmail.com
Lizie Dan La Main – “Union des Aveugles de l’Ile Maurice”
Louis Pasteur Street, Forest Side
Curepipe, Mauritius
Mons Reynolds Permal, M.S.K. Directeur
Phone: +2306751777 / +2306750363
E-mail: ldlmufa@yahoo.com;
Web: www.ldlm.intnet.mu
Organisation Alaouite pour la Protection des Aveugles au Maroc (OAPAM)
8, rue Hussein 1er, BP 369
Rabat, Morocco
President: Her Highness Princess Lalla LAMIA ESOOLH
International Affairs: Mohammed Ez-zaoui
Phone: +212-537-731724
Fax: +212-537-707435
E-mail: oapam@menara.ma; md.ezzaoui@gmail.com
Associação dos Cegos e Amblíopes de Moçambique (ACAMO)
C.P.864, Rua Frei João dos Santos nº 237
Beira, Mozambique
Domingos Neves Cherene, President
Phone: Office +25823313651 / President +258844576032 +258 866664665
E-mail: acamobeira@yahoo.com.br; domingosnevescherene@gmail.com
Namibian Federation of the Visually Impaired
P.O. Box 8480
Windhoek, Namibia
Moses Nghipandulwa, Executive Director
Josephine Lazarus
Phone: +264-61-220-835
Fax: +264-61-231-428
E-mail: mnghipandulwa@gmail.com; servicecentre@iway.na
Web: visuallyimpairednamibia.com/
Union Nationale des Aveugles du Niger (UNAN)
BP 2393
Niamey, Niger
President: Abdou Nouhou
Secretart General, Boureima Bouda Ismaila
Phone: +227-96450727/ 96580428
E-mail: unionaveuglesniger@yahoo.fr
Web: https://www.unan-niger.org/
Nigeria Association of the Blind
55 Akintan Street, Off Clegg Street, Via Western Avenue
Ojuelegba, Surulere
Lagos, Nigeria
Ishiyaku Adamu, President
Phone: +234-80-38078210
Email: ishaqgsu@gmail.com; info@nigeriaassociationoftheblind.org
Web: www.nigeriaassociationoftheblind.org
Rwanda Union of the Blind
P.O. Box 1527
Kigali, Rwanda
Donatilla Kanimba, Executive Director
E-mail: donakanimba@gmail.com ; rubura1994@gmail.com; info@rub-ura.org
Phone: +250788856671
Sao Tome et Principe
Associaçao de Cegos e Amblíopes de S. Tomé e Principe (ACASTEP)
Centro de Artesanato: Trindade
Caixa Postal 253
Sao Tomé, Sao Tomé et Principe
Mrs. Eugenia de Guadalupe Sacramento Neto, President
Contact person: Francisco Nogueira, Executive Secretary
Phone: +239 222 5921 / 994 5119 / 990 9733
E-mail: acastepsede@outlook.com
Amitiés des Aveugles du Sénégal (AAS)
Siège Sociale Parcele 5624 Champ des Courses
Pikine Icotaf – Dakar
Mr Moussa Thiare
Phone: +2215506110
Whatsapp: +221705709307
E-mail: moussa.thiare@ucad.edu.sn
Seychelles (Inactive)
Seychelles Union of the Blind
P.O. Box 1401, Victoria
Mahe, Seychelles
Ms. Brigitte Kieta Lablache
Phone: +248-321-333
Fax: +248-225-507
E-mail: seychellesublind@gmail.com
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone Association of the Blind
5 Walpole Street
P.M. Bag 851
Freetown, Sierra Leone
Thomas Lebbie, President
Phone: +232 769 78 765 / 886 79 113
E-mail: lebbiethomas@gmail.com
Kabbakeh Noah, Volunteer Director, kehnoah13@gmail.com
James Kenneh, Project Coordinator, jameskenneh87@gmail.com
Web: slab76205.wordpress.com/
Somalia Association of the Blind
Somali Post, P.O. Box 105
Mogadishu BN 03040, Somalia
Ibrahim Abdulaahi Mohamoud, Chairman
Phone: +252 615 523899
E-mail: saotb2012@gmail.com; somblind@gmail.com
South Africa
The South African National Council for the Blind
P.O. Box 11149 Hatfield
0028 Pretoria, South Africa
Lewis Nzimande, National Executive Director
Thapelo Mogoboya, National Secretariat & Research
Phone: +27124523811
E-mail: principal@sancb.org.za, genadmin@sancb.org.za
Web: www.sancb.org.za
Twitter: @councilforblind
South African Library for the Blind
PO Box 115,
Grahamstown, South Africa
Dr. Pateka Ntshuntshe-Matshaya, Director
Phone: +27 46 622 7226
E-mail: pateka.ntshuntshe-matshaya@salb.org.za
Web: salb.org.za
Twitter: @SALibBlind
South Sudan
South Sudan Association of the Visually Impaired (SSAVI)
National Ministry of Education Complex
P.O. Box 567
Juba, South Sudan
Chairman: Mr. Mauot Luis Alier Anyag
Augutino Longulo Ilario, Secretary General
Phone: +211 954 668091
E-mail: poggob@yahoo.com; ssavisouthsudan@gmail.com
Sudanese National Association of the Blind
Khartoum Bahery Alshabia South Cross Corporation
Khartoum Bahery 271, Sudan
President: Ahmed Ismaiel Ahmed Sakin
Phone: +249-91 2883464
E-mail: sudaneseblind@hotmail.com
Tanzania League of the Blind
8 Chui Street, Kariakoo Area
P.O. Box 22408
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Chairperson, Ms. Habiba Salumu Ngulanga
Secretary General, Loata Lomitu
Phone: +255 655 688833/ 782 640511/ 622 478707
E-mail: tanleb@yahoo.co.uk
Website: www.tlb.or.tz
Zanzibar National Association of the Blind (ZANAB)
P.O. Box 3441
Zanzibar, Tanzania
Mohamed Salum Mbarouk, Secretary General
Mobile: +255 777 200 884
Phone: +255 866 133 950
E-mail: wasioona@gmail.com
Association Togolaise des Aveugles
BP 30357
Lomé, Togo
President: M Mazama-Esso Amoudjolo
Phone: +22891818419
E-mail: amoudjolomazama@gmail.com
Union Nationale des Aveugles de Tunisie (l’UNAT)
21 Boulevard Bab Benat
Tunis 1006, Tunisia
Daboussi Taoufik, Président de UNAT
Tél: 0021621218416
Email: unataveugles@gmail.com
Uganda National Association of the Blind (UNAB)
Plot 694 Kamuli A, Kierka Namugongo Road
P.O. Box 6938, Kampala, Uganda
Julius Musinguzi, Executive Director
Email: juliusmusinguzi92@gmail.com
Phone: +256 772684832
Kizito Ntege, Chairperson
Email: kizitontege@gmail.com
Phone: +256 782552344
Web: https://unablind.org/
Zambia National Federation of the Blind
PO Box 37071
Lusaka, Zambia
Keshi Chisambi
Phone: +260 955 455 890-097
E-mail: federationbl@gmail.com
Zambia Association of the Blind
PO Box 80903
Kabwe, Zambia
Caroline Nkombo, President
Godfrey Mulenga, Secretary General
Phone: +260976992971 +260969944950
E-mail: zambiaassociationoftheblind@gmail.com
Zimbabwe Association of the Visually Handicapped
NO 1, Hellet Street, Masvingo
Private Bag 9215
Masvingo, Zimbabwe
President: Clever Gumbo
Executive Director: Timothy Mudarikwa
Phone: +263-39-263931
E-mail: zavh.zim@gmail.com; timmudarikwa@gmail.com
Zimbabwe National League of the Blind (ZNLB)
16489 Brickfield Rd
Thorngrove, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
President: Florence Vhiriri
Executive Director: Ishumael Zhou
Southern Africa Regional Representative
Phone: +263 772 33 2401 / 712 54 2795
E-mail: ishumaelzhou@gmail.com; zimnationalleague@gmail.com
Web: www.znlb.co.zw