Hermoine Grant Calhoun Scholarship Fund for blind women in developing countries (currently unavailable)


The Hermoine Grant Calhoun Scholarship was established by means of a bequest of 35,000 US$, from Dr. Isabelle Grant in memory of her daughter, Hermoine Grant Calhoun. Dr. Isabelle Grant had been a high school teacher in Los Angeles, California in the United States. After losing her sight, Dr. Grant became very active in the National Federation of the Blind and developed a keen interest in blind people in developing countries. The bequest, which was originally made to the International Federation of the Blind to establish a scholarship fund for blind women in developing countries, is a living memorial to Dr. Grant’s daughter, Hermoine Grant Calhoun.

As per the requirements set out in Dr. Grant’s will, the interest earned on the bequest is to be used to award annual scholarships to blind female students from developing countries attending college or university in their own country.


Blind and partially sighted women attending college or university courses in any field of study within their own country are eligible for scholarship support. Blind and partially sighted women from least developed countries and low middle income countries (as defined in the WBU Composite membership classification list) will be given priority.


  1. 1. Scholarships may be available for courses of study with a duration of up to five years, but funding is not guaranteed for the full period of the course of study.
  2. For funding support beyond one year, the request must be supported by a new application and a report from the educational institution being attended by the student.
  3.  All scholarships will be for at least $100 USD
  4. A Maximum of US$750 is granted for any one course;
  5. Applicants must be blind or partially sighted women or girls at least 16 years of age
  6. Priority is given to women and girls from least developed countries
  7. The national member in the country in which the applicant lives must provide a letter of support for the application
  8. Applications must be accompanied by a 500-word essay by the student about why this course of study is important to her.
  9. The Application for Scholarship form must be completed and submitted at any time throughout the year to the World Blind Union office located at 1929 Bayview Avenue in Toronto Ontario Canada M4G 3E8; email: info@wbu.ngo

Revised: September 2009


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