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Who we are
The Latin American Union of the Blind (ULAC) is a non-governmental and non for profit international organization that represens Latin American blind and low vision persons. It was founded on November 15 1985, in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina.
ULAC “commited to inclusion” promotes and upholds the key rights and the independence of persons with visual disability; it encourages their participation and their political incidence in order to gain access to decision taking levels and undertakes actions to achieve a true and effective social inclusion. Read more in Spanish.
To be the political-technical organization of Latin America, representative of the interests and rights of blind and partially sighted persons and their organizations, acting as interlocutor with states and international organizations, with political autonomy and sustainability.
ULAC represents blind and low vision people through member organizations of the 19 countries in the region. ULAC promotes and defends their fundamental rights and freedoms; promotes their participation and their political right to access decision-making forums, and undertakes various actions to achieve effective social inclusion.
Autonomy, commitment, solidarity, transparency, equity, responsibility, ethics, equality, suitability, justice, proactive, innovation, respect, dignity, democracy.
- Management transparency
- Unwavering defense of the rights of blind and partially sighted persons
- Commitment to legal frameworks
- Equal opportunities for all
- Citizen participation
- Empowerment of blind and low vision people
- Gender equality
- Political autonomy
- Full inclusion of blind and low vision people
- Visibility of actions
- Recognition of the diversity of blind and low vision people
ULAC Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of ULAC comprises members of Table Officers, Secretaries with special functions, and a representative of organizations that have the status of International Membership. The IX General Assembly meeting in Montevideo, Uruguay, on April 28 and 29, 2016 elected members of the current Executive Committee, whose mandate ends in 2020. Read more
Strategic Plan
The ULAC Strategic Plan 2016-2020 aims to:
- Strengthen the organization through its members’ development and the professionalization of its governing bodies.
- Increase international participation.
- Get the recognition of ULAC as the valid voice of blind persons in the field of visual disability in Latin America.
- Ensure all ULAC governing bodies have set of parameters to help them in the process of establishing priorities.
- Follow up its achievements, identify obstacles in the process of their implementation and determine the amendments needed to put things right, if necessary.
- Match up political and institutional expectations with the normative instruments that govern the organization.
- Build up internal mechanisms to ensure a balance among the various actions both at technical and political levels. Download the full strategic plan
Unión Latinoamericana de Ciegos – ULAC
Oficina Técnica
Mercedes 1327, entre Ejido y Yaguarón. C.P. 11100
Montevideo, Uruguay
Web: www.ulacdigital.org
Regional President: Volmir Raimondi
E-mail: presidencia @ ulacdigital.org
Secretario Técnico: Somalia Soriano, oficina @ ulacdigital.org
Asistente Administrativa: Yasmín Malagón Cuevas, info @ ulacdigital.org
Here if the Full list of ULAC members
FOAL/ULAC Youth Program
ULAC and FOAL introduce this project aimed at triggering the Latin America youth with disabilities program.
On Saturday 20 june 2020 it started with the first online stage. After an open call and the selection of the participants, it includes 37 young people from 19 Latn American Countries. They are young blind and low vision women and men, between 18 and 30 years old who belong to organizations of the blind in the region. Read more in Spanish.
Education and culture
ULAC conducts Education for All Boys and Girls with Visual Disabilities (EFA-VI) Campaign jointly with ICEVI, FOAL and Perkins. It also has the regulatory function of coordinating the work of the Latin American Braille Commission (CBL). The Secretariat is also an interlocutor in the ESVIAL Project and coordinates the Project on Mathematical Didactics. Read more (in Spanish)
One of the most relevant works in this area is the Rehabilitation Services Technical Manual. The manual prepared by ULAC in the early 2000s has been updated by a recognized team of professionals in this area. Various dissemination and training actions are undertaken by the Secretariat in order to publicize the new concepts related to comprehensive rehabilitation. Read more (in Spanish)
Gender equality
For several years, ULAC has addressed gender equality as one of its priority areas. Currently, initiatives include the virtual network of women, a forum for exchange between women with visual disabilities in the region, distance training on the use of technology tools and the development of face-to-face empowerment activities in the different countries of the region. Read more (in Spanish)
Manual: Some considerations for using Zoom with the screen reader on Windows computer
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, most countries have imposed quarantines, a reality that presents itself as an even greater challenge for visually impaired people regarding the organization of their daily lives, in their interaction with family, friends, in the teaching-learning process, at work, etc. Now many of these activities are taking place online. Accessible tools should be identified as an immediate response during the pandemic. Read more (in Spanish)